Friday, 21 August 2015

A list of the most popular passwords, the first number 123456

LONDON (web address) is currently an average of 27 hours a week people around the world live on the Internet hyna And it is thought that, given the password for your online accounts will also try to keep strong. But this idea is completely wrong. Indeed, it was confirmed that most people are such that their password e-mail or social media to hack Counts shop certainly not to the master hacker. Splash data leaked last year the company millions of passwords based on data of 2014 compiled a list of 25 popular passwords and 123456. The first number is the favorite. If this is your favorite password with birth steadily every year since 2011 would have to say it was the worst password that is my name.

1. 123456

2. password

3. 12345

4. 12345678

5. qwerty

6. 123456789

7. 1234

8. baseball

9. dragon

10. football

11. 1234567

12. monkey

13. letmein

14. abc123

15. 111111

16. mustang

17. access

18. shadow

19. master

20. michael

21. superman

22. 696969

23. 123123

24. batman

25. trustno1

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